Innovative PhantomsFrom our partial volume correction (PVC) phantoms (shown at left) to our Derenzo pattern resolution phantoms, featuring patented technology, we offer a variety of innovative yet standardized products to choose from. In addition to making these standard phantoms available to you, we value working with your business or institution to develop custom solutions. Click below to find out more about our unique phantoms that are available now.
Patented TechnologyWith our patented piece-wise construction of fillable nuclear medicine phantoms, it is possible to create complex resolution patterns that are filled linearly, one rod at a time. This prevents bubbles in the rods, improves image quality, reduces the filling time, and most importantly, drastically reduces the volume required to fill a phantom. This results in a phantom that is easier to fill, safer to handle, and produces a better overall image.
Custom PhantomsCheck out our product page to see the types and sizes of phantoms that we already have available, but if you don't see quite what you're looking for, let us know. We value working with companies and institutions to develop custom phantoms for a variety of modalities and applications. Fill us in on your custom phantom needs and our experienced team of engineers and physicists will create a solution with and for you.
Business to BusinessAre you a manufacturer of a preclinical imaging system? We specialize in creating sets of phantoms designed specifically for a particular preclinical imaging system, including relevant resolution patterns and uniformity tests that fit a specific bore size and/or field of view. These can be purchased wholesale and transferred directly to your customers as part of a capital purchase. We even have options for packaging and branding that can make providing phantoms to your individual users as easy as possible.
Global ShippingOur customers are from North America, Europe, and beyond. Don't let geography keep you from experiencing our innovative products. Contact us today to find out shipping rates by location.